Thursday, December 30, 2010


If I met you one day,
For certainly I would-
Sooner or later,
Here, there or some place else
You should know
That, that coincidence is
Anything but coincidental.

But when my face
Mixes surprise and nonchalance,
Both for you, and your presence,
On that one day, one time and one place,
Know then,
That coincidences, however wishful,
Are not rehearsed.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

alone time

I have decided to stay in for these winter holidays, and I find it difficult to keep myself blissfully occupied. I have spurts of wanting to go back home, spurts of wanting to clean up my apartment, spurts of wanting to cook something fancy. Spurts, they are meant simmer and die.

I went to the Christmas market yesterday. Sanitized French air imbued with scents of Cinnamon, butter and roasted nuts. Little wood huts at the city centre selling French delicacies/ banalities - crepes, hot wine, bread and nuts; I bought a crepe-Nutella and no, it wasn't divine. I had trouble eating it.

They have a way of doing the lights here though. Falling drops, starry trees, lights to conjure an endless street... As the light fades, so does the electrical wiring and lights grow. So, when you cross a street in the midst of a French throng, which you do even otherwise, your gait spruces up. There is glamour in crossing the street.

The cold is numbing, and I tend to walk with my chin tucked into the muffler and hands in my pocket. Then, returning home to my apartment of many lamps is comforting, and the light factor doesn't dim. Moving out again takes courage, and it's avoided till restlessness threatens again.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I read this today-

“Ishq and Mushq” are the two things you can't hide- 'ishq' being Love and 'mushq' being Smell. The latter I know of, the former I haven't yet experienced.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I never thought I would say this, and i've been wanting to for some time now...
I miss Pizza Hut. I miss working there.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For you. Cause something tellin me that you be readin'

I forgot what.

No, i remembered. Yes. The earth is a sphere, and it moves in circles, around a sun, which is spherical, and around the earth there is a moon , which too, just by the way, is spherical. Life is to be in circles. And we ought to be comin' full circle every now and then...

Those moments happening to me.

PS- Saturn's rings too.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Have come back home. Have been interning with Pizza Hut. Feet are sore. Have served more water than i have ever drunk. Have seen pizzas galore. Have buttered Garlic Bread with gloves.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

" When you like something you don't have to push urself the vision pulls you. "

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taking time out from the preparation of the econs gallop to write this-today when i friend said he would get a 20 on his expose, i replied with a " i hope you do"
In ordinary circumstances, i would have replied with jittery repartee, but today, i couldn't be bothered. It's good! I like this change.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forever and Ever you will BE...

Just saw pictures of those who lost their lives in the Pune blasts- young people, the Indian Youth. The engineer who loved cars, and the cute girl with a teddy, a plump girl with a just a smile, a brother and sister. My heart wept for them, and more so their families. There is little one can write on a subject such as this. The pain and sorrow is numbing.

I pray for them. May you, as they say, rest in Peace. Feel Joy so profound that it become more than a feeling. May you feel elated, for you are. May the death, which came so suddenly be a reason infinite, realized by the Cosmos in ways that laud your brave depart...

May the Cosmos' justifications make our world seem smaller.

May you re- reveal yourself.

So many of our hearts with you...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I don't know...
Needing some surity. Don't quite know where to get it from." Strength" !